Exhibitor FAQs
Below are some of the most common questions we receive from exhibitors. If you can't find the information you need below, please contact Exhibit Management at (541) 346-3537 or support@csdcconference.org.
Current contracted exhibitors may log in to the Exhibitor Services Portal for the most up-to-date information on services and ordering options throughout the conference cycle.
Q: Where and when will the conference take place?
The 2024 CSDC Conference will be held at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center from Monday, November 18 with programming beginning at 8:30AM until Wednesday, November 20 closing at 1:00PM.
Q: Where can I find my login information to the Exhibitor Services Portal?
A: If you’re a confirmed exhibitor, your login credentials were sent to you via email in your booth reservation acknowledgement. If you have trouble locating the information, please contact us.
Q: Who attends the conference?
A: This year, CSDC plans to host approximately 1,500 charter school leaders representing over two-thirds of the charter sector in California. These charter school leaders come from classroom-based schools, nonclassroom-based programs and hybrid schools. Charter school staff who attend our conference are primarily principals, directors, board members, CBOs, CFOs, COOs, and other administrative staff such as assistant principals, compliance directors, area managers, back-office support staff, and HR managers.
Q: If I’m sponsoring the conference, do I still need to pay for a booth in the exhibit hall?
A: Organizations who support the event as top-tier sponsors have a booth and associated exhibitor entitlements included in their sponsorship package and do not need to also pay to exhibit.
Q: Does carpeting/furniture/electric come with my booth? How do I order additional furnishings?
A: Everything included in your booth package is listed on the Pricing and Benefits PDF. Additional furnishings and services can be purchased through the Exhibitor Manual, which includes detailed information on exhibitor activities, important exhibit guidelines, shipping, utilities and special services, and other exhibit logistics. All contracted exhibitors will have access to the Exhibitor Manual online through the Exhibitor Services Portal early fall 2024.
Tricord, the official general services decorator and drayage contractor for the exhibit, will maintain a service desk in the exhibit hall during installation, exhibit hours, and dismantling.
Contact Tricord at:
Contact: Pfianna Cline
Email: Pfianna@tricord.net
Phone: (831) 883-8600
Q: Are there any restrictions on what I can include in my booth?
A: The answer to this question depends on your booth size and configuration. Please consult item 2 in the 2024 CSDC Conference Exhibit Rules and Regulations for more information.
Decorations such as balloons, hanging signs, and banners are subject to approval. Please refer to the Exhibit Rules and Regulations for a detailed description of the rules, regulations, and liabilities governing the 2024 CSDC Conference exhibit.
All hanging signs and specialty booth designs require written approval from Exhibit Management.
If you have any questions about your booth design or approvals you think you will need to ensure successful booth installation onsite, please contact Exhibit Management.
Q: How can I get an invoice or a W–9 form?
A: Invoices and W-9 forms are readily available in the Exhibitor Services Portal under “Account Services.”
Q: How can I pay my account balance? Can I pay by credit card over the phone?
A: We cannot accept credit card payments over the phone. You can make a credit card payment at any time by logging in to the Exhibitor Services Portal and selecting "Pay Account Balance".
You may also pay by check. Make checks payable to CSDC and mail to:
2024 CSDC Conference Exhibits
Exhibit Management
1277 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1277
Q: How can I update my company name, company contact, email address, etc., for exhibit logistics purposes?
A: You can update your company’s profile through the Exhibitor Services Portal under “Manage your Profile.”
Changes to your company name must be submitted in an email to Exhibit Management.
Q: How do I register my booth staff and how many badges do I receive?
A: Each exhibiting organization receives two (2) complimentary booth staff registrations per 10'x10' booth space reserved. Badges beyond this complimentary limit will be assessed at the exhibitor rate per badge.
Registration for booth staff is available to confirmed exhibiting companies through the Exhibitor Services Portal.
Q: Can exhibitors attend sessions or other conference events?
A: Contracted exhibitors may use complimentary booth registrations included in their booth package to attend.
Includes access to plenary sessions, lunch for Monday and Tuesday for booth staff, 1 drink ticket to the Monday night reception, and coffee and afternoon refreshment access.
Registration for booth staff will be available later this summer in the Exhibitor Services Portal.
Contact Us
2024 CSDC Conference Exhibit Management
(541) 346-3537
(800) 280-6218
Scam Warning
We have been notified that organizations have been sending spam emails to vendors for the CSDC conference in an attempt to sell attendee emails and phone numbers. Please be aware that these organizations are not sanctioned by CSDC. CSDC does not sell attendee email addresses or phone numbers.