
Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors, staff, and volunteers (“the participants”) at CSDC’s programs, trainings, and conference (“the event”) are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everyone.

A Harassment-free Environment

CSDC (Charter Schools Development Center) is dedicated to providing a harassment-free event experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), technology choices and any other category protected by law. We do not tolerate harassment of participants or contributors in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any session, including talks, workshops, parties, social media, or through any other online media. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event or events associated without a refund at the discretion of CSDC.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, and any other category protected by law, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual or racist attention (hereafter referred to as “inappropriate").

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Sponsors and exhibitors are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. Sponsors should not use sexualized or prejudiced images, activities, or other material. Exhibitor attendees and staff (including volunteers) should not wear inappropriate clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create an inappropriate environment for any participant.


If a participant engages in harassing or inappropriate behavior, CSDC and its staff may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund.

If a participant is being harassed, notices that someone else is being harassed, or has any other concerns, they are requested to contact a member of CSDC’s staff immediately. Event staff can be reached at events@chartercenter.org or by calling (916) 538-6612. Immediate concerns can also be brought to the information desk on-site.

CSDC staff will help participants contact appropriate authorities, if necessary, or assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe during the event. CSDC values all its participants’ contributions.

Liability Waiver

By attending a CSDC training, program, event or conference (the “event”), participants voluntarily assume all risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury, including severe illness, hospitalization, or death, related to exposure to any illness, COVID-19, or other unforeseen exposure possibilities. Event participants release, waive liability, and hold harmless CSDC from liability for any injury or harm, including severe illness, hospitalization or death, that may result by attending the event.

All participants also agree to abide by any prevention or safety measures that CSDC, the hosting venue, hotel(s) associated with the event, county health department, or the State of California may have in place during the event. Participants also agree not to attend the event if they become ill, are aware that they’ve been directly exposed to the any illness, COVID-19 virus, or other possible contagion within two weeks prior to the event, or exhibit any symptoms of illness, COVID-19 virus, or other possible contagion prior to or during the event.

CSDC’s goal is to ensure a safe meeting environment. CSDC will closely monitor COVID-related expert guidance and will develop health and safety protocols as needed. Participants will be kept up to date on any necessary safety measures prior to the event or onsite if a situation develops.

Participant Engagement and Accountability to Learning

CSDC’s programs are content rich, and each one is delivered in a different format. Participants who register or apply for a program, training or event do so with the understanding that they will make every effort to attend all the provided sessions, meetings, and networking opportunities. Participants are expected to ask questions and engage with presenters to help them understand the content of their training. Presenters will do their best to make themselves as available and will communicate as efficiently as possible to support participants throughout the event. All participants and presenters agree to follow established meeting norms.

Participants who do not attend a mandatory, scheduled in-person training component understand that their training will not be made available online or via streaming; no make-up option will be provided, either.

Participants who sign-up for CSDC’s programs and trainings have agreed to terms outlined in their commitment statement and understand that CSDC may terminate the participation of participants if, in the sole judgment of CSDC, participants are not constructively and successfully participating and/or completing the required work at a pace that would enable the participant to complete the program requirements. If terminated, any refund of amounts paid is entirely at the discretion of CSDC.

Copyright Policy

All the course outlines and materials provided by CSDC and outside presenters at programs, events, webinars, or other sessions (“events”) hosted or sponsored by CSDC are proprietary materials and are licensed for the exclusive use of the registered or enrolled participants. Participants agree not to copy, circulate, or transmit the information in the course outlines and materials to other persons or entities without advance, written permission of CSDC.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) Notetaker or Recording Tools in Trainings

Inform Participants

The use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) notetakers and recording tools in trainings is strongly discouraged on the basis of protecting the privacy rights of all participants. Those who need to use these tools to accommodate any learning needs must inform meeting participants that AI notetaker/recording tools will be used. This shows transparency and respect for their privacy.

How to Obtain Consent

Participants needing to use these tools must get explicit consent from their peers and presenters before recording or taking notes using AI tools. CSDC expects participants to respect others’ choice if they do not wish to be recorded and require participants to refrain from using AI note-taking tools if not the session's host. Participants needing to use an AI tool must speak to the presenter or meeting host beforehand to discover if a tool for transcription or closed captioning is already in use and can be provided. Should one not be provided, participants who need to use an AI tool can do so upon assuring the presenter of the tool’s acceptable use and practicality in written form. If the host agrees, participants must notify all participants before turning the tool or service on.

Respect Breaks and Confidentiality

Those using recording/AI notes must turn them off during breaks or when discussing confidential information. It is critical that participants ensure that sensitive information is not recorded inadvertently. Those using the AI notetaker/recording tool must also follow security standards and have means to ensure that the recordings do not expose sensitive information to unauthorized parties, that recorded content is stored securely and accessible only to authorized individuals, and that the recordings will be periodically reviewed to ensure accuracy and relevance. When no longer needed, all recordings should be deleted.

Video, Photography, and Auditory Recording and Use Policy

Collection and usage by CSDC: Photographs, videos, and audio recordings may be taken at any time during CSDC programs, events, webinars, or other sessions (“events”) by CSDC staff and/or contracted professionals. Attendance in these constitutes all participants’ consent to be photographed, videotaped, and recorded. CSDC reserves the unrestricted right to copyright, use, re-use, publish, and/or re-publish any photographs, videos, and/or audio recordings that may contain the image, likeness, and/or voice of all participants, contributors, site staff or other individuals in and around the space during the duration of the program for any purpose and in any media format without compensation or permission for such use.

Collection by professional photographers and videographers: Please contact CSDC to obtain clearance and credentials.

Minors On-site

CSDC does not allow children under 14 without an adult into its events. All participants need a badge with their own name on it to enter any space; without a badge, neither staff nor security will allow anyone into the session space(s).

Children needing to accompany an adult or a vendor at conference can register as an attendee or a booth staff member at the given rate; they must be always accompanied by an adult in sessions and the exhibit hall. Minors cannot be in the exhibit hall during the set-up or tear down times, per the venue’s regulations.

Children cannot be in session training spaces at programs during session times at all unless they are a nursing infant, nor during any networking, reception, or meal.

Diversity Guidelines

CSDC believes that increasing presenter diversity improves the value of the content by offering varied ideas and experiences. CSDC is committed to hosting presenters and events that reflect the diversity of the charter sector. As such, CSDC is actively promoting diversity through its speaking opportunities and educational programs.

Diversity Data

CSDC gathers data by asking participants to self-identify (with the option of opting out of identification) as members of a marginalized or underrepresented persons or groups which include but are not limited to:

  • People of color
  • Women
  • People who identify as non-binary
  • People who identify as LGBTQ+
  • People with non-traditional gender expressions
  • People with a disability
  • Additional category not listed here

Using Data to Reflect the Sector

CSDC will use the data collected to establish goals and outreach activities to ensure our events are intentionally representative of the charter school sector in California.

Accessibility and Accommodations

CSDC welcomes individuals with all abilities to participate in its programs and events. If you require accommodations or have any questions regarding accessibility, please reach out to us at registration@csdcconference.org.

Please note: We kindly ask that requests for accommodations be made at least 4 weeks prior to the event. This allows us to ensure we can provide necessary services, especially in cases where additional equipment or professional assistance may be needed.

Cancellation Policies

CSDC training and event registration cancellations must be made to CSDC in writing by the stated cancellation deadline date. Those who cancel on or before the cancellation deadline date at 11:59PM will be refunded the total, minus a cancellation fee. Those who cancel after the cancellation deadline date will not be eligible for a refund. Those who cancel and/or do not attend the event will not be eligible to receive program materials or any refund.

See the Cancellation Fee and Deadline Schedule below for specific CSDC event cancellation fees and deadlines.

Cancellation Deadline Schedule

Cancellation received by November 4, 2024 25% Substitutions allowed through November 20, 2024
Cancellation received after November 4, 2024 100% No refunds. Substitutions allowed through November 20, 2024
Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to Exhibit Management: support@csdcconference.org Cancellation of any portion of the Application/Contract by the Exhibitor will be accepted only at the discretion of Exhibit Management and then only based upon the following refunds:
Super Early Registration

Early Registration

Back-to-School Registration

25% Before standard registration: 75% refund of deposit on cancelled booth space (deposit is defined as 100 percent of total booth charges)
Standard Registration 50% Standard registration periods: 50% refund of deposit on cancelled booth space. After standard registration: no refund on cancelled booth space

In the event CSDC needs to cancel or postpone an event, CSDC will offer registrants the option of a refund or a credit that may be applied to a future event. CSDC will not cover registrants’ travel or lodging costs. CSDC reserves the right to cancel any session due to presenter illness or other unforeseen events.

Please contact CSDC at (916) 538-6612 or events@chartercenter.org with any questions.