Managing Employment Termination: Best Practices

Administrators, Board Members
Eligible for

This session focuses on the complex, and often uncomfortable, practice of terminating the employment of a charter school employee. Whether the employee is at-will or on a term contract, termination can be tricky. This session explores best practices for handling a variety of situations and includes practical guidance on some of the legal requirements imposed on employers for any termination or voluntary separation from employment. In addition, best practices for proper documentation will be explored to better enable the employer to defend against a future lawsuit.

Presented by


Jennifer McQuarrie

Law Office of Jennifer McQuarrie

Jennifer McQuarrie engages with CSDC as an advisor and guest instructor on charter school policy and legal matters. Jennifer leads the development and delivery of several legal workshops at CDSC's Summer Leadership Intensive, Spring CBO Training Program, and Fall Leadership Update Conference. She also conducts regular updates to CSDC’s Sample Charter School Operating Policies, a critical resource to CSDC's members. Jennifer specializes in charter school representation and employment litigation and has been practicing law for over 25 years. Prior to opening her own practice, she was Legal Counsel and Legislative Advocate for CSDC. She focused on providing a wide range of advice on school policies, personnel and student issues, including those relating to governing board policies, conflicts of interest, student discipline, employment related matters, Brown Act compliance. Jennifer also worked as General Counsel for St. HOPE Public Schools, which opened Sacramento High School as a charter school in 2003.

Administrators, Board Members
Eligible for