The Power of Student Voice: Student-led Solutions for Equitable Schools

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Students’ voices matter when it comes to what happens in their schools and are often an untapped source of creativity. Leveraging the power of student voice requires effective tools for understanding students’ daily experiences, identifying condition gaps along lines of equity, and providing opportunities for students to participate in creating change. Following a three-year pilot with nearly 30 public charter schools and 6,000 students, participants will hear the results and gain new insights and awareness as to how students are experiencing school along the lines of race, gender, and socioeconomic status.

This interactive session will offer templates and frameworks to gather student feedback through an equity lens and provide a step-by-step guide to engage students as problem-solvers and designers of equity interventions for school improvement. In partnership with school leaders of student voice model schools, we will also share examples of small and big ways students are being empowered to change the school experience, from classroom design to campus-wide initiatives. Ultimately, school leaders will leave the session inspired to reimagine the way their schools can reflect student interest and new ways to develop students who are inclusive leaders.

Presented by


Annie Crangle


Annie is a team leader, strategist, and coach. She utilizes her experiences in education, business, and athletics to facilitate inclusive strategic planning processes. Her ability to work across sectors and with diverse leaders stems from years of advising social impact organizations, playing Division I college basketball, and teaching elementary students. Annie has worked in public education as a TFA alumnae, Minneapolis Public School District consultant, and strategic advisor to public schools across the country. She is a member of the Olympic Club Women’s National Basketball team, and serves as Vice Board Chair for Playworks Northern California.


Dawn McConnell

Chief Operations Officer
John Muir Charter Schools

Dawn McConnell has been active in the Charter School movement since the mid-1990's, starting as a parent, later earning an MA in Education and completing teaching and administrative services credentials at CSU, Chico. Dawn has always gravitated towards alternative education and serving students from marginalized populations. "We are at an inflection point in education today, we can continue as we have, accepting that some students just won't make it, or we can roll our sleeves up and go to work to keep our promise that all students deserve and are entitled to an education that allows them to learn and explore, and prepares them for the life they envision for themselves".


Sandi Howard

Chief Academic Compliance Officer

Sandi has served as a K-12 Charter school principal and is currently the Chief Academic compliance officer of a small charter district which employs the Highlight survey as part of their LCAP and strategic planning.

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