Beyond Strategic Planning: A Holistic Approach to Amplify Your Impact

Maximizing student enrollment and school success requires a thoughtful strategy, effective communications, and innovative program design working in tandem. A combination of these three areas is key to charter schools remaining competitive and effective. Taking an integrated approach to problem-solving enables us to:
Establish a strong identity and philosophical approach.
Differentiate yourself from other schools of choice.
Improve diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Address learning loss and socio-emotional needs.
Expand college and career pathways.
Create compelling messaging and outreach strategies.
Stabilize student enrollment and attract quality talent.
Deliver on outcomes developed in partnership with staff, families, and students.
During this session, engage with a veteran charter network leader on the approach and outcomes of strategic planning that is inclusive of storytelling and program design: how the process can empower emerging leaders, the benefits of aligning strategy to core values, and how to pilot a leadership development program.

Presented by


Annie Crangle


Annie is a team leader, strategist, and coach. She utilizes her experiences in education, business, and athletics to facilitate inclusive strategic planning processes. Her ability to work across sectors and with diverse leaders stems from years of advising social impact organizations, playing Division I college basketball, and teaching elementary students. Annie has worked in public education as a TFA alumnae, Minneapolis Public School District consultant, and strategic advisor to public schools across the country. She is a member of the Olympic Club Women’s National Basketball team, and serves as Vice Board Chair for Playworks Northern California.


Robin Stout, Ed.D.

Executive Director/Superintendent
Rocklin Academy Family of Schools

Dr. Robin Stout is a highly accomplished educational leader, recognized for her exceptional skills in developing high-performing teams, building and sustaining a culture of collective efficacy, organizational strategic planning, and effective governance. Her unwavering commitment to excellence in education has been evident during her twenty-one year tenure at the Rocklin Academy Family of Schools. She has held the position as Executive Director/Superintendent since 2015. In addition to her role as Executive Director/Superintendent, Robin serves as an Adjunct Professor where she shares her wealth of knowledge and expertise with educators and educational leaders throughout the United States.